Researchers’ Night experiment 2014 – Vegetable Experiment results English summary



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Swedish children and teenagers are pretty diligent at eating fruit and vegetables, according to the results of a mass experiment organised as part of Researchers’ Night 2014. In the Vegetable Experiment, scientists at the Swedish National Food Agency enlisted the help of over 5,500 pupils, who acted as research assistants for a day. Carrots and apples top the list of most eaten fruit and vegetables.

This summary describes the results of the ‘Vegetable Experiment’ – The Researchers’ Night Mass Experiment 2014. Download the Vegetable Experiment English Summary (PDF).

VA (Public & Science) coordinated the project together with the Swedish National Food Agency .

The Vegetable Experiment was organised as a part of Researchers’ Night 2014, a science festival that takes place across the whole of Europe on the last Friday in September each year.

The full report is available in Swedish HERE

Public & Science Sweden

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